My dad has always been a dessert guy. Like having an "All day breakfast" menu... you could also have an "All day dessert" menu. Couldn't you? I'm sure my sister and dad would attest to it be entirely possible! My dad loved having apple or blueberry pie for breakfast and my sister IS and will always be infamous for waffles with ice cream for breakfast. And if I'm not mistaken... I think she even invites Aunt Jemima to the mix as well.
Oh... speaking of Aunt Jemima.. (Sorry have to mention this). Here in Canada, you can buy a bottle of Aunt Jemima's syrup for approx $4.00 CAD. There's no other syrup like it. Just like how I only purchase "Q-tip" brand cotton swabs... I'd only buy Aunt Jemima syrup for my pancakes and waffles. When I was living in the UK, I never had pancakes or waffles simply because I couldn't imagine them without Aunt Jemima syrup. Until one day... at the corner of my eye, I saw Aunt Jemima staring at me! It was if she was saying, "BUY ME... but I hope you have enough money in your pocket!". A smile from ear to ear immediately came upon my face. I was in Selfridges which is probably much like Holt Renfrew here only they serve & sell food that sometimes is completely out of the oridinary like chocolate covered grasshoppers for 19.00 pounds. They also sell imported foods from America and other parts of the world. It was here that I discovered Aunt Jemima at the corner of my eye. Within a split second I grabbed one of the bottles and stared at it lovingly. Then it hit me! My eyes were as wide as a deer in head lights. The cost for this bottle of sweet succulent syrup was 8.00 POUNDS!!!! Which is equivalent to approx $16.00 CAD. I instantly returned the bottle to it's place and walked away sad as ever. There was no way in hell I was going to buy that bottle for 8 POUNDS. That's extortion as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway... sorry for that side track. It actually has NOTHING to do with what I wanted to write about so back to desserts.
One of my favorite desserts that my dad introduced me to when I was a kid was avocado with evaporated milk and sugar. Yes.. you read it right. Avocado... Evaporated Milk... and Sugar. So simple!
I'm sure you're wondering what that tastes like and maybe how it looks like. It's not the most prettiest looking desserts but I promise you, it will surprise your taste buds.
All you have to do is take a ripe avocado and cut it into cubes.
Add approx 1/2 a cup of evaporated milk (I use Carnation Milk) or more if you like.
Then add teaspoon of
All you do is mix everything together.
Now if you don't normally store your avocado in the fridge, then once you've put this concoction together, I would suggest putting in the freezer for 5-10 minutes because to me, it just tastes better when it's cold.

Let's buy those skinny plastic freezer bags from the Chinese store and make popsicles!
Wow! You made it so pretty!!!
Shezz... lol you've gotta show me one day what you're on about. I'm clueless.
Treeni.. you're probably the only one that thinks it looks pretty. lol. Lou thought it looked live vomit.
Bloody disgustin'
Wouldn't feed it to the dog...even she'd turn her nose up at it...
lol Louise..I'm going to make you eat it in your sleep!
Michelle, I think the dessert looks pretty! Its an unusual combination but I have a friend who likes it too. I have yet to try it, something about the idea of condensed milk just makes my face pucker (too sweet!) but I love avocado and am intrigued by the combination!
Michelle, this is off topic but I saw on your sidebar that one of your favourite T.O restaurants is Szechuan Szechuan--everytime I go home and meet my brother for lunch he ALWAYS wants to go there. He will never suggest anything different. What is it with you ML people? ;)
lol. You know what Michele, I think it's because in the vicinity where we work, Szechuan Szechuan is probably the best take out chinese place that we can find. Did you like it?
Yes I did like it! I rarely go out for chinese myself but the food at that place is pretty impressive. It's hard to find chinese food like that. It just made me laugh to see it on your sidebar ;)
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